Agent L. Jenkins

For years, we’ve been hearing about covert installations of Jenkins by groups of developers within larger companies. Rogue engineers, frustrated by the lack of continuous integration would download jenkins.war and run it off their workstation. As time went on, word-of-mouth within the organization spread Jenkins far and wide.

Today we announce an initiative to help support these rogue agents: the Jenkins CIA. CIA being short for Continuous Integration Ambassador of course.

If you’re going to be speaking at a JUG or another event where you will have the opportunity to promote and teach people about Jenkins, you too can join the CIA:

  • Send us an email telling us about the event and how many people you expect

  • Write us a guest blog post ahead of time, talking about the event

  • We dispatch Jenkins stickers and a CIA Agent shirt for you to wear.

  • Write up a summary blog post about the event afterwards

  • Repeat!

In the coming months, we’ll start collaborating and creating standard presentations that can be easily re-used to introduce people not only to Jenkins, but continuous integration in general, so stay tuned.

If you’re not the speaking type but instead prefer to work behind the scenes, you can join the OSS by checking out the Beginner’s Guide to contributing to Jenkins.

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About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.